Other Services
General Construction
You can rely on ARG Precision Corp. for all your construction needs.
- New Buildings
- Structural Steel
- Remodeling
- Turn Key Projects
- Electrical systems
- Plumbing & Piping
- Chillers
- Cooling Towers
- Air Conditioning
- Green building Construction
- Generators
- Valves
- Pumps
Pipe Inspection
- Leak Survey
- FCS Lmic
- Stethophon
- Radio Detection CAT3
- Sewerin Listening Device Aquaphone
- Metrotech 830
- Leak Pinpointing Equipment
- Subsurface Leak Detection LD-12, LC-2500
- Sewerin Leak Correlator
- DigiCorr – Zcorr
- Specialized Leak & Codition Assessment Large Diameter
- LDS 1000
- GPS Mapping of Leaks
Patented technology to recover clean water and energy from hot humid waste exhaust stacks – the only technology of its kind in the industry
A patented nano-coated ceramic tube technology (Transport Membrane Condenser – TMCAqua™), deployed in heat exchanger module configuration and placed in hot, humid gas streams. TMCAqua™ can recover up to 80% of the water and energy in waste exhaust gas streams. Contact us today to see what TMCAqua™ can do for you.
TMCAqua – GreenSwans (green-swans.com)
Instalation and Services
ARG assigns only the most experienced and knowledgeable field engineers for site work at hydro installations. Their record concerning attention to detail, on-site safety and professionalism is impeccable.
The best-planned project with the most accurately manufactured components can go terribly bad if the installation is not done right. Inversely, projects with difficult on-site working conditions and stringent installation requirements can go like “clock work” with the proper personnel and engineering support.
Environmental Services and Products
•Plum and acid rain control on exhaust gases
•Stormwater treatment
•NOx Control
•Additive treatment
•Corrosion protection
•Green Building Construction
•Condenser Cleaning Using Environmentally Friendly Products
Pipe Inspection
- Leak Survey
- FCS Lmic
- Stethophon
- Radio Detection CAT3
- Sewerin Listening Device Aquaphone
- Metrotech 830
- Leak Pinpointing Equipment
- Subsurface Leak Detection LD-12, LC-2500
- Sewerin Leak Correlator
- DigiCorr – Zcorr
- Specialized Leak & Codition Assessment Large Diameter
- LDS 1000
- GPS Mapping of Leaks
General Construction
You can rely on ARG Precision Corp. for all your construction needs.
- New Buildings
- Structural Steel
- Remodeling
- Turn Key Projects
- Electrical systems
- Plumbing & Piping
- Chillers
- Cooling Towers
- Air Conditioning
- Green building Construction
- Generators
- Valves
- Pumps
Hydroelectric Plants / Hydraulic Turbines
The ARG Precision Corporation can provide replacement parts for your turbine giving little regard to the vintage or the original manufacturer. For original ARG Precision Corporation equipment, replacement parts are made to the original design criteria. If your hydro unit is of another manufacturer, ARG Precision Corporation engineers incorporate their knowledge and experience with the dimensional characteristics of the existing parts. From this, manufacturing drawings and documents are created for use in the proper production of the replacement parts.
In this business, not all production criteria can be adequately set forth on the drawing. For this reason, our Project Engineers can be found quite often on the shop floor giving direction and hands-on assistance as required to assure that your replacement parts are made to the highest standard.
If your project is a new installation, the rehabilitation of existing or abandoned equipment or you’re just in need of some minor repairs or parts, the first and most essential step is to have an on-site inspection performed. The ARG Precision Corporation can provide this crucial service by highly knowledgeable and experienced personnel at a very reasonable cost.
An on-site inspection typically will take up about one-half of a day on site. From this inspection, the inspecting engineer will prepare a written Report of Findings and Recommendations for Repairs. Upon your further request The ARG Precision Corporation will provide a Price Proposal for the required replacement parts and installation services.
Today the high cost of energy makes the rehabilitation of existing hydro energy installations feasible and attractive monetarily. Particularly of the larger turbines, the major components can most likely be repaired and reused. ARG Precision Corporation turbine is designed with durability in mind, which has its rewards for the owner throughout the life of an installation.
Early in the twenty-first century, some installed ARG Precision Corporation turbines will begin their second century of operation. This is testimonial to the their quality.
Instalation & Services
ARG assigns only the most experienced and knowledgeable field engineers for site work at hydro installations. Their record concerning attention to detail, on-site safety and professionalism is impeccable.
The best-planned project with the most accurately manufactured components can go terribly bad if the installation is not done right. Inversely, projects with difficult on-site working conditions and stringent installation requirements can go like “clock work” with the proper personnel and engineering support.
Gas Turbines / Aeroderivative Units
- New Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Packages Units 25, 50 MW
- Modular System ready to Install and run in 1 month
- GE Frame 5,7 parts & Services
- Siemens Westinghouse 501F parts and services
- Control Systems
- Seminars
- Combine Cycle Performance Monitoring System
- Runners, wicket gates, gate links, control systems
- Coatings
- Maintenance & Overhauls
Steam Plants
•Performance Monitoring Systems
•Burner Management Systems
•Low NOx Burners
•Acid dew point control for better efficiency
•Process Simulation
•Additives for better unit Performance
•Transmission Line Monitoring Systems
•Transformer Protection Systems ( fastest response in the market)
•Computer fluid dynamics, burners, tubes, chemical cleaning, pumps, valves •Condenser chemical Cleaning by Dynamic Descaler method
ARG Precision Corp and the European Company Lancea have established a partnership to bring solutions and energy efficiency technologies for industry in Puerto Rico. The goal is to offer the best solution for our customers with high profitability and return periods of low investment, reducing energy consumption and increasing the income derived from the operation of the facility.
Both companies agree that solutions related to energy aspects of a company may determine its future. We therefore consider decisions in this area every day more strategic, being a critical step. We try to evaluate, recommend, implement and support to decide the best solution available for each case. Establish lasting relationships with our customers based on trust, effectiveness and efficiency. Regardless of the novelty of the offered energy model, we understand the importance of offering viable solutions.
Aplicaciones Cogeneración Microturbinas
- Sistema de cuatro microturbinas instalado en la terraza
- Aportan 240 kWe eléctricos
- Absorbedor de doble efecto que produce 422 kW de frío
Universidad Pública
- Sistema de cuatro microturbinas con absorvedor
- 240 kWe, 80 kWth de trigeneración
- Instalación interior
- Aportan un 80% de la energía del centro
- Tienen un rendimiento del 65%
- Incremento de la eficiencia por usar el calor residual para generar frío
Pabellón Militar
- Instalación de 16 microturbinas
- Edificio de 9.000 m²
- Aportan 960 kW eléctricos
- 1.478 kW de frío
- Instalación exterior
Biblioteca Pública
- Sistema de trigeneración de 16 microturbinas y absorvedor
- 960 kW eléctricos
- Instalación exterior
- Provee el 95% de la energía que necesita
- Sistema de trigeneración de electricidad, calor y frío (4 microturbinas)
- Rendimiento del sistema del 80%
- Aportan 240 kW eléctricos
- Enfriador de doble efecto
- Genera 422 kW de frío
Centro Comercial
- Sistema de trigeneración de seis microturbinas con absorbedor
- Eficiencia del sistema del 80%
- Potencia eléctrica de 240 kW
- Genera 422 kW de potencia de frío
- Sistema de trigeneración de electricidad, calor y frío (Cuatro microturbinas)
- Produce 240 kW eléctricos
- Absorbedor de doble efecto de 422 kW de potencia
- Cubre un 75% de las necesidades energéticas
- Una microturbina de 80 kWe, y una potencia térmica de recuperación de calor de 150 kWt, tcon temperaturas del agua de 70ºC a la entrada y 90ºC a la salida
- Se cubre demanda de frío con una máquina de absorción de 115 kWf, con temperaturas de entrada y salida del agua fría de 12 y 7ºC
Experiencia en plantas de cogeneración Equipos ORC
Planta de Cogeneración
- Equipo ORC en planta de cogeneración con motores
- Potencia eléctrica generada con ORC: 600 kW
- Temperatura agua de condensación: 65ºC
- Puesta en marcha: 2012
- Sistema de aprovechamiento de hidrógeno de pilas de combustible PAFC
- Uso en el sistema de energía primario y el suministro de emergencia
- Reducción de la demanda de la red
- Disminución de la contaminación
- Uso del calor residual para mejorar la eficiencia energética del sistema de agua caliente
- Generación de 200 kW de electricidad