General Construction
You can rely on ARG Precision Corp. for all your construction needs.
- New Buildings
- Structural Steel
- Remodeling
- Turn Key Projects
- Electrical systems
- Plumbing & Piping
- Chillers
- Cooling Towers
- Air Conditioning
- Green building Construction
- Generators
- Valves
- Pumps

Pipe Inspection
- Leak Survey
- FCS Lmic
- Stethophon
- Radio Detection CAT3
- Sewerin Listening Device Aquaphone
- Metrotech 830
- Leak Pinpointing Equipment
- Subsurface Leak Detection LD-12, LC-2500
- Sewerin Leak Correlator
- DigiCorr – Zcorr
- Specialized Leak & Codition Assessment Large Diameter
- LDS 1000
- GPS Mapping of Leaks

Patented technology to recover clean water and energy from hot humid waste exhaust stacks – the only technology of its kind in the industry
A patented nano-coated ceramic tube technology (Transport Membrane Condenser – TMCAqua™), deployed in heat exchanger module configuration and placed in hot, humid gas streams. TMCAqua™ can recover up to 80% of the water and energy in waste exhaust gas streams. Contact us today to see what TMCAqua™ can do for you.
TMCAqua – GreenSwans (